The Arenac County Fair

Monday-Saturday ~ July 14th - 19th, 2025

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you again this year!

Welcome to the Arenac County Fair!

2392 Airpark Drive ~ Standish, MI 48658

Arenac County Fair antique tractors

Established in 1890 (incorporated in 1946), the Arenac County Fair has been offering fun and educational experiences for every age

for over 125 years!!! 

We have Kid's Day, Senior Citizen's Day, and everything in-between! The Arenac County Fair is fun for the whole family!  Amusement rides, yummy fair food, still exhibits made by youth & adults, animal/livestock exhibits, and lots of grandstand events.


Admission to the Fair:

$5.00 per car & walk-in

$15.00 weekly pass

Senior Citizens (Wednesday) only $1.00 (60 years & up) 

Midway this year...Family FunTyme Amusements